The inconveniences incurred by the recent collision continue to waste my time. (And so I thought I'd spend some more time writing about them...). I also thought some of my friends who may be in the same boat I was a few simple days ago - sans accident - would benefit from sharing what I have learned. So let me tell the story again from a slightly different perspective.
Firstly, I should say that while I am still annoyed by the inconvenience of the accident caused by the young man who was in too much of a hurry to wait behind the bus (and subsequently wasn't paying proper attention to the traffic he was merging into), he was polite and I was impressed that he actually picked up his "litter" (bumper pieces). I doubt he thought he could just glue them back on. When we spoke on the phone to exchange further information, he continued to be polite, despite the fact that while I was also trying to be polite, I'm certain I had a "tone" to my voice that could easily have fed rude behaviour on his part. Hey, I was annoyed and rightfully so IMNSHO.
The reason we had to talk further on the phone was because we failed to gather all the information we needed on the scene. I knew enough to check the damage, get his license and registration info, and make sure the car was his. I also tried to get witnesses (but none came forth at the scene.) There were things I missed, however, that I didn't know to get or forgot. I realized after that I DO have a collision reporting sheet in the glove box with MY car registration info, but since the other driver never asked to see it I didn't pull it out. He chose to get my phone number and call me (after class I presume). If I were ever involved in an accident again, I'd be sure to pull out that sheet and fill in the details. So, dear readers, if you don't have a collision reporting sheet in your vehicle already, get one! You never know when you might need it - even if it's as a witness. Maybe the other drivers don't have one. Here's
an example.
After the original inconvenience of the collision (good thing I was running early for my meeting), comes the myriad other inconveniences (not necessarily in this order).
1) Reporting it to my insurance agency and making multiple phone calls (in part because I didn't have all the necessary information about the other driver's insurance and car, but also because I should have gone to the police first).
2) Driving to the middle of nowhere (by city standards) to make my report at the regional collision reporting center. (Notably, the information given to me by the police officer did not include his badge number which the insurance company wanted. Fortunately, I'd written that information down before he handed me his card.)
3) Shopping for a new car seat for Abi. It seems such a waste to throw out the otherwise almost-new car seat! Let's be realistic - it wasn't damaged. My car car was barely damaged. I could have damaged the car seat more by putting it in and out of cars.
4) Installing the new car seat. You know, opening it all up, getting the straps in order, sizing it. Then I stripped the original car seat down so we could keep the cover. Now when the cover needs to be washed, I can slip cover 2 on immediately. (The only benefit to this whole ordeal that I can see.)
5) Bringing the original car seat and its receipt to my insurance agent so they can write me a cheque (to be sent...) for my new car seat and properly dispose of the original car seat.
6) Visiting the autobody shop so they can inspect the car, give the estimate to the insurance company, order the new bumper, take pictures, etc. (At least none of this part comes out of my pocket.)
7) I still have to get an appointment to replace the bumper, bring the car in, get a rental if needed (although how long does it take to switch-out bumpers?) or wait around the autobody shop.
8) Will likely have to get some massage therapy (oh, darn). I'm hesitant to attribute any of my current aches to the accident since I was feeling achy already. My wrists hurt the first day, but they seem fine now.
All this because of an accident caused by someone else. A great inconvenience.
I complain, and yet I am well aware that it is ONLY an inconvenience. It could be much worse. There could have been a serious injury. Abi could have been in the car. I could have been smashed into the car ahead of me or some student fresh off the bus running across the street. A million things could have made it more than an inconvenience.
But hey, it IS a bunch of inconveniences, none of which I would have to endure and waste time on if the other driver had been paying attention to traffic. Insurance companies don't pay for my time, gas, lunches bought on the go, etc running around town taking care of all these things. So I'm bitter. :P
That's life. There are often inconveniences. We deal with them and move on.
Moving on... I will soon upload THE CUTEST EVER video of Abi. Wait until you see what she's been practicing for Yule... My family should recognize it... Hmm, I should send the video to Mrs. Brown too...
There will be a part 2 Yule video to follow. But you'll have to wait at least 6 more weeks for that!