Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Friday, September 11, 2009

Child Care

After 18 months, Abi is soon to start child care so that I can finish my PhD and we can move home.

That's the short version.
The longer version would say more about being torn between child care and continuing to look after her myself, applying for child care subsidy, things about a village raising a child perhaps. But I'm not in the mood to write the long version. Perhaps because it is all rather nebulous still in my mind. I don't really want to think about it. I'm doing what needs to be done - so I can finish the PhD and we can move home.

Fortunately, our child care is home daycare and the childcare provider is wonderful. She came highly recommended by a friend and I was able to learn she had an opening early. She'd also met Abi once while this friend was babysitting - and who wouldn't want to provide childcare for Abi?? lol I DO I DO!!!

I'm nervous, but perhaps I'll focus on being curious about how this will all unfold as Abi starts spending her days with other kids elsewhere. I know she'll love all the activities and just being with other kids.

For myself, I'm looking forward to really diving into my work. So far I've actually only been able to tread water and swim a little. I have so much I want to write and have not had the opportunities I need to sit down and pull it all together uninterrupted.

Child care was supposed to start this week, but due to paper work stuff it didn't. I spent most of the week enjoying the summer with Abi - and we had great weather for it.

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