Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Busy Week

I thought family would be curious to hear about all the fun we've had with family and friends this week - even though we're still mid-week and there is more yet to come.
Abi's Aunty Corey arrived Friday evening for a long-weekend visit. Saturday we went to a local water park. [pictures coming from Corey; check Flickr later] Sunday we went for brunch at Boa Nova with Corey and some cousins as a belated birthday celebration (for Corey). Monday we drove out to Port Dalhousie where Abi had her first ride on the carousel.
Port Dalhousie
We also met up with Abi's great-grandparents and great-aunt as well as some friends while we were there.
Later that day, Abi's uncle Ian arrived with aunty Melanie. We found a local geo-cache that evening and Tuesday we visited St. Jacob's for breakfast and a tour.
St. Jacobs
Ian and Melanie left Tuesday afternoon.
Wednesday we took Abi to the Toronto Zoo.
Toronto Zoo
Tomorrow Abi and I are visiting my Aunt Rita and cousin Natassia. Friday we have a fire-pit party with friends... and Saturday I think we'll sleep. All day. Unless we have plans.

More updates to come - there have been many exciting developments for Abi.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Sounds like you are all having tons of fun! Can't wait to hear about the rest of the week!

Too Big for My Skin

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