Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not a good week.

First Abi was sick, then Robin, then me. We're all at the last stages of recovery. Maybe it was H1N1... hmmm.... or just the regular ol' flu. Mostly it was congestion and aches and fever on my part (as is my usual MO when I'm sick). It was pretty short lived thankfully - over the weekend for me.

So we recover from that and what happens today? I drop Abi at daycare, head to a meeting near the university and get rear-ended by a student rushing to get out of the lane with a bus stopped. Incidentally, he needed the left lane anyhow to turn in half a block, but that's not why he was changing lanes. Really, he should have already been in the left lane if he knew he was going to turn at the end of the block. I hate when people leave changing lanes to the last minute. But changing lanes at the very last minute to avoid being behind a bus just so you don't have to slow down, and not cluing into the fact that all the cars in front of you are also changing out of that lane and thus causing everyone in the left to slow down and stop - well that's plain stupid driving.
Fortunately I'm not a stupid driver and I wasn't riding the rear-end of the car stopping in front of me, so I was not pushed into that car.
The cars behind him drove off and no one on the street was paying attention to be a witness. Oh well, the evidence is in my bumper (literally) and it was a pretty simple situation to describe.

Fortunately Abi was not in the car or I would have been freaking out at the driver. Nobody was injured - except poor Matilda's bumper. And his car's bumper, but I don't care about his car. Matilda received a souvenir piece of his bumper lodged in the cracks he made. I'm leaving it there until the collision center sees the car later today.

What a pain in the arse! Now I have to make reports, go to the collision center, yadda yadda, all because of some other idiot.

The important part is that everyone is okay.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm just glad you're okay!

The week will get better...

Too Big for My Skin

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