Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Where's _____?

Lately Abi has been asking where everyone is? Not just the basics such as "where's mum" or "where's dad"?
No, when she wakes from a nap at daycare and the other kids are off at school she asks where's [Rob]? They don't even have simple names like "Rob" at daycare.
After we dropped a friend's son at home she asked where he was. Out of the blue she pent today asking where Mo was - which was quite funny given that Mo was coming to our Yule party this evening.
She asks where Coco and Nana are all the time ("in Winnipeg" we reply) and then fetches her scrapbook to find their pictures. Although, she doesn't point out Corey. She knows she's in the book, but hasn't quite associated a face with her favourite name.

A couple days ago she was looking at a book with an exclamation mark in the title. She was holding it upside down and pointed out an "i". "i" she says enthusiastically about the upside down "!" I was mighty pleased :)

This morning we had breakfast with the local Pagan gaggle (haha I called us a gaggle) and A, a friends child, and Abi were playing photographer and model - or so I would describe it. A was getting Abi to pose and Abi was quite happy to oblige. I look forward to seeing pictures!! We tried to get Abi to perform Santa's Reindeer, but she was less obliging :( She clearly needs to practice performing her dance for other people. ;)

It's been a crazy weekend. Breakfast and party plans today. Yesterday I spent the day at the annual GRAB Animal Rescue fundraiser (drinking way too much delicious hot chocolate). During the previous week or so I completed several more research interviews (= more transcripts...). And we're outta here in a few days. Tomorrow I have a bunch of errands to run for the Rescue. I have no idea when I'm going to finish this Yule knitting... in Winnipeg I guess.

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