Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Confessions - Because being aware helps

I confess that I have struggled for many years with being an impulse shopper. I come by it naturally. [*cough*dad*mom*cough*cough*]
In my defense, I am also a good-deals shopper and I shop most often at second-hand shops - which sometimes makes it all the more difficult to curb my habits. "It's such a good deal!"... We'll "go broke saving money" as my dad always said. (Funny that he said that considering his spending habits.)
Witness my yarny-goodness the other weekend (photo slideshow below in the blog!) at the Knitters Fair. Oh, I got incredible deals, but I still bought a lot of yarn - all of which is going in my stash for unknown future use. But it was a good deal! And, I'll use it eventually! Yep - one day I knit all those shawls and socks and sweaters in my Ravelry queue. (I should add, I received a gift of money to spend how I wished.)
Today I had to go to (ugh) Walmart to pick up Robin's pre-ordered copy of the new Halo3 game. (I know what Robin's doing tonight...) While there I thought I should buy toothpaste (we're at the point of squeeze-the-last-inch-out). On my way over to that aisle, I happened to pass by the toys... and see the 50th Anniversary Smurfs set on for a mere $10. I was (still am, but inactive) a Smurfs collector. My dad always brought me new Smurfs from Germany when I was kid and of course I grew up watching the cartoons. I've never been an avid collector, but I have 100+ pieces including figurines, mushroom houses, and the windmill. I'm confident that Abi will receive the DVDs over the next few years - from my parents - and she'll inherit my collection.
Apparently, I missed the announcement last year that the Smurfs were ready to conquer the world again - according to Time. I missed the invasion. This was to be part of the 50th Anniversary come-back. I guess that's why a year later I'm finding the special edition stuffed toy, golden figurine, DVD, and original sketch replica on sale for only $10. (According to Amazon, it retailed for $30 US).
As you can see - a steal of a deal for a Smurf collector. But an unnecessary purchase ultimately... I mean, it's a future Yule gift. Maybe for me!

But it didn't stop there today. No, I still had to buy dog food at the pet store, which is right next to the Hand Me Downs store. I felt compelled to stop in for a moment - because you have to stop in frequently at second-hand shops to find what you want. Lo and behold - three beautiful Groovy Girls were waiting there for me for only $5 each. I swear these ones are being stored for the future. Particularly the one with a purse. However, now that I know how much Abi enjoys these dolls, and given that we will not be buying Bratz, Barbie or other similar dolls I feel very justified in picking up a small collection of Groovy Girls for her to play with - especially when they are second-hand and usually in brand new condition.

So you see, I have a shopping problem. I've been much better at controlling myself since marrying Robin - who is the furthest thing from a shopaholic I know. Security cameras at stores must think I'm hilarious - picking up an item, talking to myself as I debate if I need it, walking about the store as I pick up needed items, eventually (literally) saying "no!", putting it back... Today I said no to many things. Maybe I should be proud of what I didn't buy.

One last confession - I also stopped at McDonalds inside Walmart. *gasp* I've heard that McDs coffee is better than Timmies. I'm not a big fan of Tim's coffee - but it's convenient. Now I can say with certitude from my own experience, that McDonalds coffee is better than Tim Hortons coffee. But still not as good as a local Cafe with Fairly Traded coffee. And since I don't go to McD's - except for almost never - I don't imagine I'll be drinking much more of their coffee. Nevertheless, now I know.

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