Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, October 01, 2009

A little excited

Yesterday was a mini Christmas for me as I culled the clothes that no longer fit her (or never did because they were too wide) from Abi's drawers and added newly washed clothes pulled from the storage bins. I forget how many clothes I have stored away until it's time to sort through them! Abi has recently outgrown her PJs, or maybe it was a while back that she did but we didn't notice because she rarely wears one-piece PJs in the summer. Regardless, I was afraid I'd need more PJs now that the cool weather has descended. Then I remembered to open the bins... and found 8 pairs of PJs in addition to the ones that still fit. I think we're good. (Thanks to V and mom.)

I've updated the word list on the left column of the blog. I keep forgetting to add words and I frequently hear a word and think "oh yeah, she's said that for a while now, I forgot". I don't know how I forget, but I do. Probably because they seem so common now. Words like book, which she's said for a long time. Duck is newer, but it's a favourite. And she's recently picked up "bee-bo" from Sandra Boynton's Belly Button Book. Why? I don't know! But she loves that book and as soon as she shoves it in your hand she's saying "bee-bo". I do love Boynton's fun books. Have you seen the video for I Want to be Your Personal Penguin? It's fabulous. I gave that book to a friend.

I'm happy to report that Abi still loves daycare! A full day of playing with kids (plus a good nap). What more could my little extrovert ask for? She also uses the potty at daycare - which was something I feared she would regress on - and she still uses it at home. For a couple days she was waking on her own around 8am, but today was yet another struggle to get her up. This is only week three - I am hopeful she'll adjust her night-time sleep pattern. Last night she took a nap late in the evening (just fell asleep!) for about 30 minutes, which threw off her sleep schedule. And she had a good 2 hour nap at daycare. It's flu season though, so I imagine her body is busy combating viruses. And growing. You know, kid stuff like that :)

I'll update you on our fabulous weekend when it's over. So many wonderful, fun things planned! Oh yes, many wonderful things. I did mention 5th row at the Hip concert, right? Free tickets no less. I still can't believe I actually won! I had initially thought to buy tickets when they first went on sale - as a birthday gift for Robin - but at $90 a ticket (plus whatever other charges they add), it just wasn't in the budget. I remember when concert tickets were $20... Granted, I was a young teen (a little over a decade ago) at the time and living in Winnipeg... Yes, it's been a while since I attended a concert (the occasional day-long or weekend fest, but few single-act concerts). I had thought maybe $40 for tickets now. Silly me. It doesn't matter, because we're going for free now!

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