Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Even Less Waste and my Lil Helper

A delightful package arrived in my driveway yesterday afternoon courtesy of the kind folks at the regional Waste Management facility. Our green bin composter. These things take nearly everything. I admit to taking the teeniest bit of pleasure this morning scooping used cat litter refuse into a paper bag to be composted. The excitement will wear off soon enough and I'll be left simply scooping poop, but for now it's "cool". We still have our backyard composter for yard waste. I won't be restarting a vermicomposter soon since I don't imagine I'll keep up with it properly as I should - and I already destroyed it once. Perhaps I will wait until Abi is older and can enjoy helping with the composter. In particular, she can sort the "black gold" out of the bin. I always put off doing that, and in the end it led to the demise of the worms last Winter.

I don't imagine it will be hard to teach Abi to put things in the compost. She already enjoys putting things in the garbage (and usually it is actually garbage, except for that time she put 3 pieces of banana peel in the garbage followed by the banana) and the recycling basket. She also helps with laundry - putting wet clothes into the dryer and pulling dry clothes out. She's very good at that. If only she were tall enough to reach into the washer... Damn, should have got the front-loader... And she needs to learn to fold the clothes still. Hmm, I suppose I might have to start giving her an allowance! I wonder if she'd clean the kitty litter... ick - I'm imagining she'd be more likely to want to play in it...

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