Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween 2009

Abi, her grandpa, Robin and I had great fun attending a birthday party on Halloween and trick-or-treating with friends. Abi took to going door-to-door like a fish to water. She quickly caught on that people were putting stuff in her bag. She didn't care what the stuff was (nor did she know that she won't be eating any of it...), but that's not important to her. It was stuff to put in her bag!
Halloween 2009
As you can see, Abi was a pumpkin and Robin was R2D2 - inspired by the hat I was making him for Yule but managed to finish in time for Samhain. I was a Yule/Christmas witch - not my most creative costume, but any time I can find an excuse to wear a witch hat is fun for me.
Halloween 2009

Halloween 2009

We also have new neighbours. This is our neighbour. Seriously - this was their house last night. Anyone who is artistic enough to build their own paper-mache (or similar - this is NOT store bought / inflatable) witch and put it in their window on Samhain is cool by me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you use the best pic of Abby when she's looking up to the camera

Too Big for My Skin

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