Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Friday, May 09, 2008

Two Months / 9 Weeks

I had not yet finished compiling Abigail's two-month video on the 7th. Today she is 9 weeks old.
Unfortunately, I've still not been able to catch a giggle session on video. Even when I've tried to have the camera on hand, she stops when I turn it on. She doesn't particularly like having a camera in her face. This month I'll set up the tripod and have the camera a little further away...

The past month, like the first month, has been full of wonderful times. Friends and family frequently comment on how she has grown/changed, but I don't see this as dramatically because I'm with her 24/7 and thus the changes are more subtle for me. She has certainly grown. She loves to look around - at everything! We spend a lot of time walking around the house and the yard when she is awake so that she doesn't get bored (--> cranky). We also have many outings together, which provides a nice change of scenery for both of us. To be honest, I can't understand why any mom with a newborn would want to stay at home all day! I'd go absolutely nutty. A spring baby is certainly ideal, IMHO, because we can go out easily and there are new sights every day. I am also fortunate that Abigail is (usually) such a happy baby (during the daylight hours). Our weekends are generally packed full of activities with friends and weekdays are when we garden, take long walks, and occassionally meet up with friends for coffee or tea. Abigail travels in one of her carriers (when we're not in the car) and can choose to sleep or look about her.
I've slowed down, already, with my photo-taking. I don't need pictures every day! Plus, she's pretty much worn every outfit for this size. More photo fun will ensue when she grows into the next group of clothes and I have to share pictures of her in gifted outfits. And, maybe she'll start grabbing toys or rolling or such this month. More photo/video fun. We'll all just have to wait and see what month three has in store!

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