Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Monday, May 05, 2008


Abigail has yet to meet her cousin Dorion, but I thought it would be fun to compare pictures side by side wearing the same sleeper because I was told Dorion looked like me (as a baby). Thus, one might assume he and Abbie should share features.
I think it funny when people try to "see" mom or dad in a baby. I usually don't see it. Of course baby will share some features, but, ultimately, Abbie looks like Abbie :) Having recently received Robin's baby book, I can assure you she does not look like Robin as a baby. I don't think she resembles my baby photos either. She is far cuter than both of us. That's because she is the cutest baby ever!! That's right, you heard me - cuter even than her cousin. Shhhh [conspiracy tone] don't tell Veronica....

Just joking of course. They're both adorable. And they will meet this summer. "When?" you ask? That is a good question, one which you should direct to Robin as it is he who must book holidays. Mid-July at the earliest. Feel free to harass him on Facebook until he declares a date.

Abigail will be 2 months old tomorrow! Expect another video compilation soon. And maybe then I'll reflect on the last month.

PS - Abbie would like to wave hello to Jen's mom who, we heard, reads this regularly. We hope it's taking some of the pressure off of Jen rather than creating more ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy and Abbie,
Yes I do drop in on your blog to look at all the adorable pictures of Abbie. She is sure cute and really growing.I am also looking forward to the 2 month video. Unfortunately I am grandchild deprived, but I am being patient and hopefully when the time is right,I will have one to spoil. I do enjoy the four legged critters but one with two legs would be much nicer.Anyway, hope everything is going smoothly and I hope to meet Abbie in person when you get to Winnipeg.

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