Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where'd my Be-Bo* go?

Last night I discovered my cute little belly button has disappeared - transformed into a large bowl valley in my tummy.
I think that's a good indicator of how these babies are expanding...

I also learned yesterday that my aversion to knitting during this first trimester is not unique. Apparently most of my knitting friends had an aversion to knitting at this point too.  It seems weird to me, still, that just the thought of an activity would make me more nauseous.   I'm pretty sure I was knitting at this point when pregnant with Abi. I remember I started a small baby blanket (and I was very new to knitting then) just to have some focus and reminder of the pregnancy because I couldn't 'feel' anything. You know, because in the early months you don't feel movement, etc. But maybe I didn't get started until second trimester...
Regardless, I've had to force myself to at least work on the knit-a-long design. But any plans I had for Yule knitting have been tossed.

*"Be-Bo" is a tiny hippo's way of saying belly button, as per the Belly Button Book by Sandra Boynton. Not that I'm a hippopotamus. But if I were, I'd at least like to think that, relatively speaking (compared with other hippos), I'm a tiny one.


Liberty said...

When I was Preggers with my first child, I was gobsmacked to discover that my usual black hole of a belly button became an outie belly button! I laughed and laughed until my daughter starting kicking in response! HAHA! One of those weird things in pregnancy that you never would have imagined.x

Anonymous said...

I think mommy got your be-bo. Mine seems to have been growing, seems larger and deeper than I remember from my younger days.

Too Big for My Skin

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