Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Baby Bump and Christmas preparations

Here you go folks. The (almost) 11/13 week baby(ies) bump.
Feeling better lately. Not nauseous all day. More on and off.
Abi's also feeling better.
Nothing exciting to report - other than some folks around here are eagerly anticipating the Grey Cup this afternoon.  I'm not sure which is more exciting - the game or the food and beer. (No beer for me of course, but I'll happily partake of the food.)

(Photo taken at a Christmas ornament exchange party last night, which is the only excuse I can grant my friends for having their tree up already!)

Abi is eagerly anticipating Christmas this year. She drew a photo for Santa and dictated a letter for him. The first item on her list is a flashlight - so she can go camping again. Bath toys (in particular another soft kitty and a rubber duck) and dollhouse toys are also on the list. I think Santa can deliver.
Santa also sent her a video from the Portable North Pole.
She's also decided to make Santa a gift - because she thinks he deserves it for making so many gifts for others.
That's my girl.
I reminded her that Santa really likes milk and cookies and that we'll also leave carrots for the reindeer.
I'm not sure how early we'll set up the tree this year, but I did make a countdown calendar for her with poster board and paper pockets that will hold stickers and little gifts like a silly band bracelet.  We'll use the stickers to mark the days that have passed as we count (from 1 to 24).

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