Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Looking the Role

What I've been feeling lately was confirmed by friends last night. I look pregnant. I'm not talking about "baby glow".  I admit, I walk funny - yes, I waddle a little - ridiculously so when you consider that I'm really not far along in the pregnancy. I have a tendency to hold my belly. And my pants have not fit for a long time.  The photo above illustrates this.  Already at 8/10 weeks - and actually well before now - I've got a belly. I don't recall this happening last time. Certainly not so quickly.
The pants pictured above were my favourite jeans.  The perfect fit - neither tight nor loose.  I've put on at least 15lbs since I could wear these. That is, the last time I weighed myself at the midwives office 3 weeks ago I was 15 lbs heavier than what had become my normal weight in the previous 3 years.
So why the weight change?
Do not say twins!
It's more likely related to the fact that at the same time as we conceived I stopped nursing Abi. Yeah, mean mommy cut her off (at almost exactly 3 and half years old; not so mean). I explained that I need the energy to grow a baby brother OR sister and Abi's cool with that.  Nevertheless, those extra calories not being burned add up.
Then add the nausea. 24/7.  And the snacking - usually healthy stuff but not 100%.  It's the nausea - the discomfort in my tummy - that causes me to hold and rub my belly often and to walk funny. Yes, I'm not very comfortable most of the time.
And my discomfort and exhaustion has me laying down a lot.  Even though I regularly take the kids to the park, etc, I'm not the one running around for an hour or more.
My next midwife appointment is in two weeks. Which reminds me I need to go get some blood-work done soon. I'll see how I've grown then. And I'm hoping things even out soon.  Which also reminds me that I have a few piles of clothes to sort through. The pre-preggo stuff can be packed away again.  The preggo clothes I don't yet fit can be stored within easy reach (I'm wearing my favourite orange preggo shirt today even though it's unnecessary; I like the excuse to wear it again.) Plus all the summer stuff has to go away - including all the cute summer dresses and tailored not-button-up tops I won't be wearing again for a couple years because they are not nursing-friendly. 
Which reminds me of the other obvious sign of my pregnancy and the other pile I have to sort through. Breasts and bras.  I've already had to haul out the larger cups, so it's time to put away the others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nana here,
Alright, no twins! Triplets?

Too Big for My Skin

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