Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Heartbeats and hot kid

Yesterday I listened to the babies' heart beats. I recorded it so Robin and Abi could hear since they did not come to the midwife appointment with me. (Working on being able to upload the sound file to share.)

My blood-work all came back good - good amounts of good stuff and no bad stuff.
The ultrasound report still hadn't been sent over (really folks at True North Imaging? It had been a week. And the office is in the same building). It was faxed over quickly upon request. In the meantime, I was able to share the U/S pictures with the midwife, because I had thought to bring them along :)
The report itself was both informative and laughable.  Babies look good - same size, etc. (3.7cm from crown to bum.) As I already overheard, two sacs are visible and the two placentas have fused into one. Plus the placenta is anterior. But there were all sorts of numbers of weeks and days thrown about as estimates, with the final "conclusion" estimate being "about 11 weeks 4 days" (that was last week) - seemingly an average of the other numbers. Emphasis on "about". Dating ultrasound fail! Anyhow, they're off by a few days early. My date is right :P  I know these things - trust me. So we're keeping the EDD at June 5.  Of course, it's not as if I actually expect to go to 40 weeks term with twins.  Certainly, if I get to 40 weeks I'll be the one saying "get these babies out of me!"  Or, so I assume... I wasn't that way with Abi at all, but that was one baby.

Just finished convincing Abi to let me take her temperature.  She is/was quite adamant that she is not sick - even though I could feel she was hot in the middle of the night and still was hot to the touch when she woke after 10am and came downstairs.  101.4*F in the armpit = fever.  Not that she'll admit to it. Day of rest prescribed by mommy. Hoping nothing further develops... she's got a good immune system that typically fights off any virus quickly.

I couldn't help but record and share her stubbornness. For everyone who thinks she's always so sweet and happy... this final agreement on her part comes after a much longer period of arguing with me and making that funny dismissive sound of PFFFF.  She likes that sound.  Clearly, informing her I thought she might be sick was the wrong approach, since she's convinced she is not and therefore I must be wrong...
(Don't mind me - still in my housecoat etc in the morning. Didn't want to wake Abi early.)

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