Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Friday, November 11, 2011


Abi had her first experience witnessing blood being drawn. She was well behaved as we waited at the lab for me to get some blood work done (finally went in...).  I hate needles and having blood drawn, but Abi was just plain curious and I of course did not want her to know that I dislike this.  So, when it was finally my turn to sit in the chair and await the lab person, I explained to Abi what all the supplies we could see were and how they would be used.  And when the lab person came to draw the blood, Abi watched closely to every step.  And, since I didn't want her to see my dislike I actually watched with her as the needle was inserted and 4 tubes were filled with my blood.
You know, it really wasn't so bad.  I always look away.  I'm always scared. And there was nothing scary about it once I resolved to not be scared in front of my child.
Yay me.
Yay Abi for thinking it was interesting.
After, she asked the lab person if only adults have blood drawn.  We were informed that it is usually adults, but sometimes very sick kids come in too.

Meanwhile, Abi's seems to have a tummy bug, although she's not complaining that her tummy hurts (this time). Instead she regularly takes herself to the loo. Otherwise she's her usual self.

In baby news, the first ultrasound is scheduled for this Monday. (I was surprised to be able to make an appointment so soon.)  I'll be sure to let you know that we're not having twins. (or triplets...)
And, in more exciting (to me) baby news, I get to have my former midwife again! Originally she was scheduled to be on vacation when I was due, but for some reason the group had to reschedule things and now she's available and called to let me know!  I'm very excited!!!  The new midwife was nice, but I'm really happiest to have Sheryl again.
Also, I need someone to play with Abi on Monday at lunchtime...


Anonymous said...

Mandy, kudos to both you and Abi, those teachable moments can come at suprising times, for all of us!Hope you are feeling better soon!
<3 Aunt Joyce.

1strangefamily said...

Yay for getting Sheryl- I loved having her as a midwife! Hope you don't mind me stalking your blog but I've been reading some of your back posts. It's nice to see that I'm not the only extended-bf, babywearing mom out there...

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