Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Winter Drivers

The time I spent today sitting at my desk, looking out my window, was very entertaining... Almost all my neighbours were getting stuck. Even after the city *finally* plowed. For the record, I did go out and offer the help the guy who was spinning his rear tires endlessly (and stupidly), but he insisted he didn't need my help or my offering of grit and other suggestions that would have helped. No, he'd rather spin his tires and look at his car. Seriously, that's about all he did. He'd sit in his car with the door open looking back at his spinning tires. Then he'd get out and examine his tires (no, not the ground! just his tires). Needless to say, the more he spun those tires, the more stuck he was getting (and this was after the plows came and moved the great thickness of snow, leaving a lot of packed snow) because he was making the packed snow slicker and icier.
However, the funniest part, in my opinion, was the fact that he had some sort of SUV-looking GMC vehicle. You know, the kind of vehicle that's played up as all-terrain in commericals. He even has the sporty rack on the back for carrying bikes or something. I'm not sure what it is, it just sticks out from his rear. I'm imagining he bought this vehicle (I should also mention that this seems to be his first winter because he was just plain clueless about how to deal with the situation and from his accent and look he is from somewhere south of the US) assuming it could tackle anything - just like on TV. Now, one would assume this SUV has AWD / 4-wheel drive, but from his rear-spinning tires he was clearly only using rear wheel drive. I'm not sure if this is because his vehicle is rear-wheel only or he doesn't know how to turn on the AWD.
Yes, he spun those tires for a good 15 minutes if not longer. After I went out some other male neighbours went and pushed him out and into the driveway. (After another good 10 minutes of him stupidly spinning his tires.) And then what does he do after they leave?? Backs out and gets stuck again.
"Take the bus!" I thought.
Coincidently, along comes the school bus... and since SUV is blocking the road, school bus has to try and back up and turn around. Needless to say, school bus gets stuck, but manages to free itself.
All day I've listened to the sound of cars outside trying to get off our street... from this morning when they were stuck in the plush snow through this afternoon as they slid along packed, slippery snow.
Fortunately the neighbours were all helping one another. Although I could offer some help, I was not about to go pushing cars out of the snow. You would all have my head, I know! You'll be pleased to know the only shovelling I did was to move what the snowplow raked across the end of our driveway. Robin did the rest this morning.

I spent most of my day being intimate with the sewing machine (and pins and the iron and scissors). Again. We have a love-hate relationship. I hate sewing. (I'm also not very fond of my old machine, but at least I have a sewing machine.) I love finishing projects. For example, I love that I finished four throw pillows that I've been meaning to do for... a couple years. They are for baby's room and all baby-room stuff is getting top priority right now. What I really *should* be finishing are the kitchen curtains, but the thought of cutting the panels is very depressing. And then sewing those looooooong edges... I did wind a bobbin with the thread I need... that's progress. Now I wait for Robin to get home for dinner...

EDIT: The dinner planned wasn't thawed yet, so after much humming and hawing I won and got delicious pancakes from Mel's Diner. Sooooo yummy. With apples and cinnamon and sausages too. I could eat "breakfast" foods all day!!

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