Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bear Scare

I almost broke down and cried today at the local yarn shop. When I went to get yarn to finish Bear, there was none of my colour left! I looked through every basket and had given up hope, assuming I would have to frog it and start over with all new yarn... And then, miraculously, there it was in my hand - a hidden skein.
I can happily say that Bear is almost done. She just needs to be stuffed and have some of her seam-holes closed. I'd take a picture, but Robin has the camera in Seattle.
Robin reports that he's already enjoyed sushi and taken in the Space Needle sights.
He'll be home in two nights. So y'all can stop worrying!
Not sure if I'll be willing to give up half the bed though... I've been surrounding myself with pillows so that I can sleep almost on my tummy. It's part of the plan to turn baby to face my back. Right now she is facing forward. I'm also supposed to spend time on my hands and knees to help gravity turn her.
Still feeling great. And no, I haven't yet reached the stage in which I wish she was out already or feeling as if I can't possibly grow any more. I'm happy to have her where she is, and she's happy to be there. She can stay for another couple weeks. But then her lease is up because my patience only extends so far. I think 40 weeks is a nice round number...

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