Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Busy Baby Bee

I'm keeping busy around here with all sorts of projects, plus research. Good news - today I found a dresser for the baby's room :) Now we just need to pick it up from Value Village and re-paint it... And by "we" I mean Robin.
I bought lanolin yesterday, so I'm ready to start washing and lanolizing the soakers in preparation for use. I also now have the sewing notions I needed to finish the mattress and sheets. I'm hoping to get that all done for this weekend so I can show off the baby room on Sunday at the shower. Yes, the baby shower is quickly approaching. The day before my shower I have a friend's shower to attend (which I also just finished shopping for). It will be an active weekend!

I have been crashing early the last couple of days - in bed by 8pm. Hopefully it's a short-lived phenomenon. Robin woke me at 10pm last night to tell me there was a new episode of Supernatural (my favourite show) on! It was about witches. Evil witches of course, just like the pagan deities featured in the last (Yule) episode were evil. I could be offended, except that the entire storyline of the series is about demons and hell and evil - so *obviously* they'd frame pagan things as evil... I do suspect there are some fundamentalist Christians writing the story... But it's a good show. And the guys alone make it worthwhile to watch... mmmm
Anyhow, after Supernatural I was back in bed.

I woke early this morning (a side effect of going to bed early) and forced Robin out of bed earlier than he would have liked because *someone* had to shovel the car out and *this* time it wasn't going to be me!!!
I made him coffee... what a good wifey I am.
However, I've advised him that next time it might be easier for him to bus to work. The roads were not nice, traffic was crawling (as it should - although I saw one truck had been pulled over by cops presumably for speeding - idiot), and Robin got to work just on time.

Speaking of Robin and work - he's flying to Seattle the week of the 18th for work-training. Lucky him. He is very excited and I'm happy for him. If you're in the area, feel free to drop by that week :) I'll be home.

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