Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nausea? What nausea?

It dawned on me today that I must be free and clear of the first trimester - because I don't feel nauseous!
It's a wonderful, wonderful feeling.
Also makes me have to be more diligent about eating because there isn't a constant reminder that food and I have a close relationship right now.
And not eating is a bad idea.
I still need to keep up my energy -- baby-growing energy.  Got to put on the weight - for two wee ones.
Fortunately, last time I weighed myself at my weekday workplace I was still on track gaining good weight.  I'm counting my weight gain now from my pre-Abi weight because that's my 'normal' weight.  The BFing weight was lower (by just over 10lbs) and once I quit BFing I think it was rather inevitable that I'd gain back those few pounds to what had always been my 'normal' weight (and which, incidentally, is supposedly an 'ideal' weight for my size - which is why I've never fretted about my weight and never had to 'workout' or pay particular attention to my diet, besides nutrition for nutrition's sake. I digress.).
Anyhow, last time I checked I was up to 152lbs and that was over a week ago.
And the belly keeps growing.
But I've yet to start tracing it! Bad, bad me!

As for my first trimester aversion to knitting, I know that I can knit stockinette or garter because I'm just finishing up a Yule doll for Abi, complete with dress, undies, shoes... You'll see later. It's in hiding and I don't want her to accidentally see it on the computer.

I haven't tried my hand at lace yet.  Finishing up some simpler projects first that are overdue.  For example, Robin just reminded me that I was knitting fingerless gloves for him.  I'd put them aside in the late fall once it became obvious that he wouldn't e needing them for biking for another 6 months or so. Weather got too cold for fingerless hand coverings.  But I said I'd finish them for Yule... yikes. Time to finish those doll shoes and then find the gloves... in the black hole of knitting stuff that is my former office.  That black hole is coming in handy right now to hide gifts.

Oh, and I'm starting to feel guilty about not having prepared any sort of holiday cards this year... as cards start arriving here.  Every year I tell myself we'll do it, and only occasionally do I get around to writing cards.  (Note the usage of "we" and "I".)

Speaking of preparations, I'm quite proud of Robin this year. He's out shopping for my Super-F'n-Awesome gift right now (that's what I asked for).  Yes, and it's not even Christmas eve! There's weeks left until Yule and Christmas.  Clearly I need to ask for a SFA gift every year to get his butt in gear. As for the rest of his family... sorry folks, but I've made it clear to Robin that I am not taking on responsibility of doing ALL the gift work.  At this time of year I've got enough to worry about gifts for my family, nieces and nephews, BFFs, and my local crew of friends (since I've accrued quite a few awesome folks in my life).  I've got cookies to make for potlucks and cookie exchanges. Ornaments to make for ornament exchanges... and far too much knitting to do.  Which, by the way Robin's family, if you ever want something knit you just have to ask and I'll consider it. At the very least it will make gift-planning easier even if it (a large item) takes a few years. We have time, right?  (My family knows this.)
I haven't even mailed out my gifts yet... la dee da...

Back to laundry.

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