Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Puppy Love

puppy love

Abigail loves her puppy. Darla is a good source of entertainment whether we're on a walk, in the garden, or doing housework. She's laughing at Darla right now! How delightful. I'm still working on convincing Darla to stay within Abigail's view. Darla and I demonstrated her tricks for Abbie today. And by tricks I mean simple commands like sit, lay down and shake paw ;)

Sitting up

In general, I'd say Abbie is an animal lover. (Below is her new piggy knit by a friend.)

white meat

Maybe she'll help me with the Grand River animal rescue when she is older.

We've also noticed that Darla is very much aware of Abigail's whereabouts. I don't want to say that she is protective, but she does keep a protective eye on Abigail when someone else is holding Abbie or she's napping in another room that people are passing near. It's not something we've had occassion to notice at home because Darla does not worry about us, but she demonstrated this behaviour while we were in Kincardine.

In Abigail news... that girl can motor around! Okay, so it's more of a snail's pace, but she will make her way across the floor or bed and surprise you if you're not looking. "That's not where I left you. Get out of the clean diaper stack." There is a video coming...

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