Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ear Infection

Abbie has her first illness, an ear infection. It's not too bad - no fever or swollen lymph nodes - and she's happy enough when active, but don't even think of putting her down or expecting her to sleep for any extended period. I feel bad for her too when she puts her hand up to her ear in pain. Fortunately, we were able to see her doctor this morning and start treatment. We are hopeful this will be cleared up before our flight to Winnipeg.
Needless to say, she's up every 2 hours at night. I'd say "woe is me" but I really can't complain since some parents experience this since their baby's birth. Anyhow, I'm more concerned with helping Abbie get better than worrying about my sleep. I'll take a nap when Robin gets home from work. I had hoped she might sleep a little longer this morning, although it's just as well she didn't because we were able to see the doctor first thing this morning and we were able to have our bath and breakfast before leaving. I was trying to squeeze a few more winks in while she was content in her bed. I open my eyes and turn my head to find her staring at me. She'd rolled over and then wiggled herself 90 degrees to watch me. This should not have surprised me in the least (I've found her turned 180 in bed), but it was disconcerting to wake and have her intently watching me.

In funnier news, Abigail wiggled herself over to Fenwick yesterday (in one of those brief periods of being content on the floor - only because a cat/dog was nearby to watch) and got a hold of her tail. It was hilarious! I was already taking pictures of Abbie and Fenwick together and was fortunate enough to catch the tail-grabbing moment.As a final note, we weighed Abbie at the doctor's this morning and she is 15lbs! (15lbs 4oz on the scale, but she was diapered and clothed.) Ear infection aside Abbie is doing well. Her doctor was (again) impressed by her health, growth, skin, etc.

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