Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

OMG, mom's leaving tomorrow!

What'll I do?
Home alone for two days. Then the weekend with Robin. Then another week alone before dad arrives.
So... who wants to stop by and visit next week? I'll try and schedule our naps around it ;) Okay, I can't guarantee Abigail will be awake, but we will be home. That much I can guarantee.
Unless I'm at Cloth and Clay...
Today mom and I will have to make a shopping excursion to Cloth and Clay. While I was in NICU I heard the tragic news that C&C is closing. This surprised me. Given the large knitting/crochet community in KW and the local knitters guild (which I've heard boasted as one of the largest in Canada) I assumed we could support the single local yarn shop in the area. I had only recently graduated to quality yarns, being a beginner. I can't go back to cheap yarn now! Where will I get my yarn??? Time to go through my planned projects for the next while and figure out what I need to pick up at the liquidation.

Abbie awakens...

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