Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fountains of Joy

I've discovered that it is not newborn babies who create the most laundry...
it is breastfeeding mommies...

I laugh every time it happens...

Breastmilk spurting everywhere as if I have sprung a leak - a fountain of milky goodness. It doesn't just drip, oh no, it sprays! Usually onto Abigail, then her clothes, then me, until I can get the receiving blanket to cover the "leak".

Apparently, however, it is not just mommies who cause the laundry. Or babies. Daddies do it too when they forget to put a cover over the prefold diaper... (yes hun, you did that this morning).
Abigail is currently sleeping through most of the night. It's lovely. I know this may change, but I am enjoying the longer sleeps while they last.

What of the rest of the family? I've not written much about the other "kids" - Darla, Monkey and Fenwick. I must say, with pride, that they have been wonderfully well behaved. None have become jealous. And Darla has not yet peed on the floor since mom left. I had expected to find several "accidents" the first few times I left her alone at home. None of the animals are particularly interested in or disturbed by Abigail, even when she's screaming. Sometimes they wander over in curiosity, but they quickly wander off again after a couple sniffs. (Sorry, no photos. I should get some of the animals with Abbie.)

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