Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Research Interests

I was inspired by today's PhD Comic to write about MY research interests, which I don't think are accurately represented by the following pie-chart.
Contrary to the above, my advisor's interests do not dominate my research. In fact, except for when I was his research assistant for one or two terms, he's not had much impact on my interests per se. Certainly he's been very helpful in clarifying my research, but my specific research with children is not his field of study. Like in the chart, my research interests have shifted since I began, but my research topic has remained the same. That is, I started my MA knowing that my PhD research would be with children in contemporary Paganism. The shift that has taken place has concerned my emphasis. Whereas I was previously more interested in the development of new religious movements and contemporary Paganism, I am now far more interested in the sociology of children and religion / spirituality. Unfortunately, pretty much everything that I want to research is what "nobody will ever pay me to do". I am hoping that will change over the years as the sociology of childhood and children grows as a research field. My own academic interests certainly would take up the majority of the pie chart. I am pleased to be able to say that I get to do my own research, not someone else's! (Except when I am being paid as a research assistant to do their work.)
As for the non-academic items from the chart, they really don't apply here (celebrities, sports and online shopping are not in my field of interest whatsoever). My "other" research interests include things related to pregnancy and babies - everything from cloth diapering to the evils of plastic. Along with that is my current interest in researching new patterns for wool soakers and then knitting them. Knitting is my morning relaxation. It is also how I justify watching DVDs with Robin, because I can knit and still feel productive while enjoying his company and being entertained. Before I could see or feel my pregnancy, knitting a baby blanket helped me to connect with the baby. And when I need to procrastinate, good ol' knitting projects are always on hand to help me out ;)

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