Mom's visit is now booked. She'll be arriving Feb 27 for some pre-baby preparations and departing Mar 20. Dad has yet to make visitation plans, but he'll only be here a few days.
Robin's dad and sister still have to make plans to visit also, but sounds like they'll be here in April. That works for me.
So when are the rest of you visiting?
I assume most of the Winnipeg gang will be awaiting our visit there. But locals, I imagine you are wondering when is okay for you to visit. It can be an awkward situation since different parents have different needs and non-parents might not be aware of those needs. Thus, I will answer your unspoken inquiry with my personal response.
Assuming we have a normal healthy birth, I'll be ready for short visits after a few weeks. Let's say the beginning of April or after mom leaves. (I may call up a few friends before then.) I can assure you I will be going stir crazy and appreciate some company and support. Going out will be less easy to do at first than having friends over. My rule of thumb, however, is that you should be comfortable enough to get your own glass of water or make the tea. I risk sounding rude here, but don't come visit if your intention is simply to ogle my baby. You can do that when I bring her out. Of course you'll be fauning over her - she's going to be gorgeous! - but I would hope that you come to support the new parents as much as to greet our newest family member. Any support you can provide would be greatly appreciated. To clarify, I consider coming over to keep me company for a couple of hours while Robin is at work and share a cup of tea (which you may have to make) to be supportive. By and large, I feel that our society has declined in its social relations. We've lost much of the supportive community (and community expectations) that bound us as a society. It's been said that it takes a village to raise a child, but we are far too individualistic in this day and age. We focus on the easily transportable nuclear family rather than community. Once upon a time the community would have brought us food and helped us around the house as we adjusted to life with a new baby and recovered from labour. Now my mom has to fly in from Winnipeg to provide support and even that is only for a short while before she has to return. We call ourselves an advanced / enlightened civiliazation... Give me a "less civilized" village any day!
There, now that we have those expectations out in the open... do come visit! I'll be home all day.
You're welcome to come feed me... ;) I'm terrible at feeding myself. I never feel like making anything, and I suspect I'll feel even less inclined when I'm more tired, even though I'll need more food... a vicious cycle.
Speaking of food. I should go reheat some potato and leek soup.
PS - Robin just got a "promotion" at work. He is now a Quality Assurance agent with a pay increase and better hours. Still weekdays only and he finishes at 7pm, but that's much better than the current 9pm and means we can actually make reasonable evening plans.