Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Long Drives

We made it to and from Winnipeg with relative ease - considering we were driving with a dog and a toddler in the back. As previously reported, the drive to the Peg took us two days. The drive home only took one day... 23 hours of driving! Robin wanted to push straight through and then relax at home during the weekend.
Long Drive
Leaving at 11:30pm on Thursday, we hope Abi would sleep much of the way, but she woke around 5:30am on Friday and napped little. We returned home at 11:30pm local (lost an hour) time. On the return drive, the DVD player saw much more usage.
Long Drive
Even still, I think Abi and Darla did remarkably well with few complaints from either of them. Sometimes they are like siblings in the back. Well, at least on Abi's part: "Darla won't move!" (as if she can go anywhere); "Darla won't let me [extend my arm all the way into her little corner of the car]".
Long Drive

Robin did most of the driving. I think he was sustained by the beef jerky from Miller's.
Long Drive with beef jerky

I kept busy with my knitting...
Long Drive knitting
... which I finished.

Abi was happy to see George and Fenwick when we got home. This afternoon, while she was supposed to take a nap, she cuddled with George and took this photo of him for us. Poor George...

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