Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, June 04, 2009

June Already

Seriously, where do the days disappear to??
Abi is teething heavily again. It's off and on whether she'll sleep half the day and eat during the rest of it, or barely sleep at all (more recently). I foresee a growth spurt with all that sleeping and eating.
Robin hooked the bike trailer up the other day. With Abi sporting her new red duck-duck-goose helmet, off they went to enjoy the day.
First Bike Ride
First Bike Ride

She's become much better at not putting things in her mouth. However, when she does (or we think she has) she responds well to "what's in your mouth?"
What's in your mouth?

She still loves her cat Fenwick
Fenwick Lovin
And she would love to to cuddle with Monkey, but that ain't happening. Monkey runs away, hypocrite that she is.

Mostly, though, Abi loves running around outside lately.
Witchy Dance
Not on the cushioned lawn of course. No, she walks straight off of there if she can - off into the big world as she aims to head down the street. Maybe one day she really will go join a circus. "Bye mom, I'm leaving!

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