Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi

That's Abigail's new word. Or sound. It's difficult to tell if she means "hello" or just likes the "i" sound right now.

A funny story from today that you will appreciate (if you didn't already see it on my FB status):
Abigail sought out and found Darla's leash. She then proceeded to try and put it on the dog - unsuccessfully of course. When she gave up on that she waited at the front door, making it very clear that she wanted to go outside. By now the dog is excited because Abigail has offered to take her for a walk! There's no turning back at this point. Two against one. So I let them out, hauled the stroller out, and then watched as Abi climbed into it and turned around, waiting for me to buckle her in. She knows what she wants! Off we went for a lovely walk and to play at the park. Abi fell asleep on the ride home, so I sat outside reading and taking notes (I actually have to return a library book tomorrow! I'm accustomed to keeping them forever or until they are recalled) while she napped in the fresh air.

We also had a Naturopath appointment for Abigail today. She still weighs less than 21lbs, so it will be a while yet before she gets to ride in her front-facing car seat (22lbs min). Her growth is good, she's just on the light side (10th percentile). Aside from still having to use the rear-facing car seat, I don't mind her being light! Much easier on me.

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