Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day and 9 Teeth

Yesterday we had a wonderful family day. Started with "Abi" making her daddy pancakes with fresh strawberries she picked from our garden, back bacon, eggs and coffee. Had a relaxing day at home while Robin listened to his two new CDs - more gifts from "Abi". It has been a long while since either of us bought new music. Later we went to the Multi-Cultural Festival at Victoria Park - full of more culinary delights. We'd been by Saturday evening as well (after dinner) and once we knew how much there was to sample and see, we knew we would have to return Sunday! Daddy and Abi splashed around on the water pad area for a while. It was jam-packed with screaming kids. Robin and Abi plan to make many more trips there this summer. Picked up some steaks to BBQ and Blizzards to cool off. Blizzards remind me of my dad because my parents live near a DQ and my dad would frequently treat us and the dog to ice cream.

Abi has cut her ninth tooth. The newest addition is in her top right side, a molar. We knew she was teething, but could not tell what tooth. Poor baby. Of course, you'd never know her pain from her smiles. I reflect, daily, on how blessed we are with such a happy child. One can only hope this stays true during the later years...
A couple weeks ago, a friend of mine offered to take some family photographs for us. I haven't shown many of them yet because I was waiting to send them off for Father's Day. Now that that is done, here are a few favourites. (Since I was feeling guilty for not adding pictures last time.)

We had a great evening in Waterloo Park taking pictures.

You have probably noticed the huge smiley picture of Abi at the top of the blog (and the new, more fitting blog title). I'll eventually size that image down - next chance I get to edit photos. In the meantime, I'm sure you'll survive that smile!

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