Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Volunteering at the Hospital Tonight

This evening, around 8pm, Robin, Abigail and I decided to go volunteer at the hospital for an hour. Yes, we sat in the ER waiting room while Abigail entertained the people there. We were a little concerned by THIS:
Being our first real encounter with something so hideous/frightening on our child, we sought a professional opinion. However, it was going to be a 4 hour wait (until midnight), the goose egg calmed down as we sat there for an hour, Abi was not in the least bit upset or seemingly affected by her injury in any way, and my major concern was whether she should go to sleep with a head injury... however, she would have to go to sleep before midnight and thus before any doctor would see her... so we opted to watch her at home and return if necessary.
How did she get this goose egg you may ask. She was playing, walking, and hit her head on the vacuum. Not a very interesting story; sorry.

Now that we are done with that scare...
Evil Laugh
How about some evil laughter from Abigail for you?

Or maybe grandma would like to see her wearing her new outfit?
Walking in Brown

And who doesn't love a good squishy face / sunny day photo?
Sun Hat
Like the hat? I made it.

That's all for now folks.

1 comment:

Corey B. said...

Abbie just wanted to match her Auntie's cat scratches up and down her face!

Too Big for My Skin

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