Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Friday, June 19, 2009

Witch Camp and Other Exciting Things

By the time I sit to write, I tend to have forgotten what I was going to write about, especially lately while I've been sick with a nasty ear/throat infection.
The last week has involved a lot of napping - for me. Fortunately, Abi has been cooperative and napped with me for as long as 5 hours. It seems that, as long as she has me there to cuddle with and nurse, she'll sleep forever.

Last weekend she and I attended witch camp, her first (my fourth). Abi had a great time and loved playing with all the other kids. She also napped very well in our tent during the day, but didn't sleep so well at night. I think this had to do with the cold nights and her extreme dislike for blankets. In the end I let her sleep in her fleece outfit so that when she sooner than later freed herself of our blanket she wouldn't be cold. We have another festival to camp at in July, so I'll have to figure out something to keep her warm at night. I'm thinking a blanket-jumper may be in order because at least she can't kick it off. She won't be too happy about it.

So what's new with Abi? Had I mentioned that she figured out how to pull open a dresser drawer just so that she can use it to climb up and reach more things on the dresser top? Apparently it wasn't enough to just pull everything out of the drawer or to reach items at the edge of the dresser. She must be able to see everything. Nothing on any of our tables is safe anymore.

Robin has taught her "happy feet" - a little dance. He neglected to tell me this, so I was quite surprised to see her do her little dance one day as we sang "If you're happy and you know it". Normally she just likes to clap along (it's her favourite song), but now she also has to dance.

Abi also loves shoes. She enjoys putting on her own shoes and other people's shoes. She will pull off her socks just to try and put new ones on (unsuccessfully). She also needs help for putting on shoes, but she does try. And she will try to take my flip flops off my feet and put them back on. I'm not sure why she is so interested in shoes.

Abi loves pictures of herself. One sure-fire way to make her smile is to play a slideshow of photos. Why would I need to make her smile? you ask. You only THINK she's smiley all the time because another good way to turn her frown upside down is to pull out the camera. She hates to disappoint her fans!

Speaking of pictures, there's a few new ones at flickr and I don't feel like posting them here since they are already feeding into the blog and I'm sick. Maybe next time.

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