Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Well being

Today I had an appointment with our (Abi and my) naturopathic doctor about me. Nothing to be concerned about - I'm fine. It was simply time to check in since I hadn't seen her about my health (except as it relates to Abigail) in well over a year.
Things I learned (which were not exactly news, but yes I do need someone else to tell me because when I tell myself these things I easily ignore it) include that I need to eat more calories and protein to compensate for how much Abigail is consuming while nursing. We don't want me shrinking any more! Size 4 is small enough - smaller than I've ever been. I'm also going to go back onto vitamin supplements, even though I am terrible at remembering to take my vitamins! Maybe if they came in the shape of Flintstone characters I'd remember...
We talked about stress levels, and I think I handle my stress quite well. It doesn't seem to manifest in any "side effects". My health has been very good. I don't get sick very often.
So how do I do it?

I am often asked how I "do it all". That is, full-time research, teaching, stay at home mom. I don't think I'm unique in this regard, not at all. But I know how I handle it - by doing more! The "more" stuff is particular however. I knit and crochet. I barely read any more (except for my studies), which I do regret, but I knit and crochet. It is relaxing. It is creative. It is productive. And the projects are so cute! I always have the next (few) projects in mind and I usually have several on the needles (and hooks).
For example, right now I have Robin's space invaders mittens (which have pretty much been put aside since Winter is over and I'm sick of them for now and I'd rather work on other projects in the meantime), I just picked back up a pair of fingerless mitts for myself (after I carefully unknotted the ball of yarn Abi had gotten into), there is the oddball blanket I'm waiting on (other people have to send their squares to me to put together), the baby-wearing and stroller blanket... and I think that is all. I also have "orders" placed for a family of witch hats, a pair of dolls like I made Abi for her birthday, a set of toys for my nieces, 3 more dragons like I made for Abi, and some finger puppets. I also need to make some more wool soakers for Abi soon and I have some beautiful yarn waiting to become my first lace shawl. At the beginning of next month I'm going on a yarn crawl to get more yarn. Mwhahahaha.
I have become a fibre-junkie, I admit it.
I even have the early birthday present book to prove it - meditations on knitting by the yarn harlot herself. I don't have a cool moniker like Yarn Harlot or YarnPr0n (my friend's knit-name), but if I did it would be...
See, I'm not creative enough to come up with one. That's why I'm just Mandyz on Ravelry.
What is this Ravelry I speak of? It's like Facebook for fibre artists (knit, crochet, spinning). It's where I share my projects and look for new ones!

One of my recent favourite projects isn't on here and I can't share it until the recipient receives it.

Where was I going with this (you can always tell my late-night posts) - oh yes, stress management.
In addition to knitting on my own, I meet up with friends Tuesday nights for more knitting accompanied by good liquid beverages (coffee/tea) and better conversation. I won't repeat what we discuss in polite circles.
For additional human interaction I rely on my Friday afternoon coffee sessions with university colleagues (and Abi). And, for the next couple weeks there are also my Wednesday night classes, but I'm not sure if teaching counts as a form of stress relief. Nevertheless, it is adult time / Abi-free and that makes it inherently a form of stress relief.

That concludes my rambling note on well being. Back to knitting my fingerless mitts (made with seasilk wool).

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