Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Saturday, March 21, 2009

First Tentative Steps

It is finally happening. After many months of cruising along the furniture; stealing baskets, boxes and chairs to walk with; and standing alone, Abigail has taken her first tentative steps to mommy. This evening she turned from the chair, let go, reached out to my outstretched fingers, and holding on to them ever so lightly, walked towards me. Right into Darla who heard my excitement and wanted to join in. As she started those first steps I called Robin, but he couldn't hear me over the xBox and, alas for him, he missed those first steps. I tried to encourage Abi to do it again, but the moment was lost. We'll try again tomorrow. She is FINALLY asleep. I suspect more teeth are coming because she has been very much wide awake ALL DAY and many times through the night these last several days. Maybe longer. It's hard to recall.
I'm editing a video of Abi climbing in and out of baskets and boxes, which is quite cute. I'll upload it to the youtube account when finished. Until then, you'll have to settle for a great toothy still of her in a box.
Climbing in and out
Are those not the cutest bug pants? Look at how proud she is of herself for climbing into the box (after she pushed it into the corner).

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