Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Welcoming Ostara

Spring is here in all its glory.
(Let us ignore the brisk winds outside today after a warm week. Let us not think of the possibility of snowflakes.)
The snowdrops are blooming in my garden and the crocuses should be coming out soon. It seems we lost our lovely siberian squill bulbs last year. I don't recall seeing them last spring, although I will grant that I was preoccupied. Rabbits or mice probably ate the bulbs.

I began the day with tasty mini french toasts using up the baguette I bought at the Stonecrock Bakery in St. Jacobs on Tuesday when Rita, Abigail and I went out to enjoy the afternoon.
Mini French Toasts Delicious. Abigail had baked egg yolk.

With a full belly, Abigail and I took Darla on a walk to Superstore to pick up photos. While there I noticed a new shop that sells clothes. I was going to keep walking until I noticed the wall of baby onesies with cute sayings like "insert food here; poop here" (accompanied by arrows). These cotton t-shirts and onesies are even made in Canada. I just *had* to pick up the "Fairy Princess" t-shirt, complete with wings printed on the back. I also got the "Yay 4 Boobies" and "I [heart] boobs" onsies. Robin will love them and I am proud to have a breastfeeding baby. She's certainly not showing any signs of weaning soon.


Abigail and I are attending her second Ostara ritual this evening (first this year). She is going to help me invite the ancestors. We'll be bundled up warm. And, uh oh, I just realized I need to make something for the potluck after.

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