Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Monday, March 09, 2009

The Hip

The Tragically Hip are coming to Kitchener to start their new tour. They are playing three shows April 27-29. Concert tickets are more expensive now than I remember ever paying (although I never attended a "big name" concert like U2 or Paul McCartney. I know their concerts are expensive). Anyhow, $70 from the proprieter is nothing compared to the hundreds of dollars scalpers are selling them for on kijiji, e-bay and other "bestbuy" ticket sites. It is appalling to me that people are 1) able to do this and 2) other people are stupid enough to buy them. In short, if noone ever bought scalped tickets then there would be no profit in this practice and it would stop. And that would free up all the tickets to be sold to people at their original price. Right? Okay, maybe not that simple, but it would have an impact.
In the digital age of ticket-buying where I am confident the vast majority of tickets are paid for by credit card, it would be simple enough for ticket sellers to require a name to put on the ticket when it is purchased and proof of identity upon entering the concert.
If you are not 100% certain which of your friends will be attending with you, then order online to place your hold and pick up your tickets the day of the concert, show your ID, and get your tickets personalized. Simple. Seriously. Why haven't business people thought of or implemented this yet?
Oh well. $70 for tickets (plus taxes I'm sure) is a little out of our budget right now, so I'll have to try and win us some. We haven't been to a concert in many many many years.

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