Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Snow and Hats

There is snow on the ground. And I have to catch a bus to campus this morning. I'm not a happy camper. "Poor little Prairie Girl has to go out in 0 degree weather. Boo hoo" Yeah, that's right -- I'm using sarcasm on myself.
I've got my coffee and my knitting in hand, both trying to warm me in preparation. The worst part about the cold is that my hands freeze when I try to knit as I walk to and wait at the bus stop. That's no-good*. I am determined to finish this hat for Abigail before I leave for Chicago, especially now that it is getting colder.

*Is it "no good" or "no-good"? I originally typed the former, but I think the latter makes more sense grammatically and intentionally. If I were to write "no good" I should really write "not good".

Speaking of hats, I have only one more hat to make to complete my orders. It was a productive fall for witch hat making! I mean, for fundraising for GRAB Animal Rescue. I made many interesting hats (see flickr) - red and black stripes, pink and black stripes, pink and green stripes, camofluage, blue-black, black with a red fuzzy edge, and a family of mossy-green hats. Fun fun fun.

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