Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I'm not certain if I should be happy that today's precipitation has been a solid, gloomy day of rain... or not. Because the alternative precipitation would be a lot of snow. However, at least snow is pretty. [EDIT - me and my stupid comment. The next day it started snowing and is cold!]

Also, I must confess that the holiday spirit is starting to wiggle its way into my activities. This seems to be the result of a special hat request.

This Christmas hat was ordered by a friend. She just finished buying a black and purple hat for Halloween and realized that with the new holiday approaching she needed a red hat. I was happy to oblige.

As I was finishing this hat up Robin decided I need a holiday hat for myself. He thinks I should make a green hat and then decorate it like a Christmas tree. (Pictures will surely be posted.) Yes, he can be creative at times... he just makes me do the crafts. I usually check my designs with him to see what he thinks and he's usually supportive or has a good suggestion. (If not, it's easy to ignore his suggestions... a win-win situation for me.) For example, the v-stitch on the edge of the red hat came after I asked for his advice whether I should do single or double (thicker) stitches along the edge in white. He noted that the single looked more lacey, which made me think a lacey edge would be a nice fringe. (The point of telling the story is to embarass Robin when you learn that he can give advice on crochet...)

I also made this green hat recently for another special request. I had a terrible time finding the right colour specified. Yarn colours can be very limiting! This lovely fuzzy variagated yarn was the closest I could find to the shade she wanted. Really she wanted the top colour, but she loves the end result. I love it too - so much so that I picked up more yarn and made a second hat to sell later. I'm confident someone else will want one of these! And if not, I'll happily keep it.
Yes, crocheting witch hats is something I do in my spare time. I started one for myself, then made a striped one as a joke - then showed pictures to friends and discovered people wanted me to make them for them! Of course, I also share the pattern I have with fellow crafters, but many others can't or don't want to make their own. I never intended to sell hats - but I don't mind making a few dollars to spend on more wool... so I can make more stuff...

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