Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Yule Blessings - the secret is revealed

What lies behind door number one?
Did you guess already?
I did.
And I guessed right!
Robin lied. He lied! Damn he's good at that. I'm jealous. I can never hide that stuff from him.
I am impressed that I actually guessed correctly.
Figured it out yet?
That's right. My Yule gift is a beautiful wooden rocking chair.
Just like I guessed.

Robin received PJ pants and a t-shirt. Not nearly so exciting. But I do have an official UN patch to sew on the T for him :) I just wanted to make sure the T fit before sewing.
When I was in Washington I bought him an emroidered CIA t-shirt.

And of course, we're both getting a Monkey this year :D

Solstice Blessings from Sunny, Snow-free, Blue-skies Kitchener!!

Well, I'm off to re-fill my delicious fair-trade coffee (finally got a new bag of beans recently after running out a month ago) and spend time with Robin.
Probably watch some Angel...
(shh, don't tell mom - mom stop reading - but we were anxiously waiting for the Christmas gifts to arrive so we could open a season of Angel early! We've been desperate!! So... yeah... that season was actually a Yule gift... and I only opened it 2 days early... and we're half-way through the season. I said desperate.)

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