Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

I want to run away

Tonight Abi, who as usual did not want to go to bed, stood at her door and repeatedly told me "I want to run away" (rather than stay in bed).
"Where would you go?" I inquired.
"Jen's house" (daycare)

Where does a two year old learn about running away? Oh, wait, daycare kids. lol

Tonight she was also mighty pleased with herself for pronouncing her doll's name correctly as Sophie rather than So-sie as she's been pronouncing it until now. (Of course, if you said "Sosie?" she'd say that was wrong.) She's clearly aware of her own previous mistake. "It's Sophie, not Sosie" she told me. I heard the name a lot this evening as she practiced.

We also blew kisses to daddy in Mexico. Then I caught some for her (imagining daddy was sending them to her) and roped in a big hug to boot. Not that it helped to get her to sleep sooner, but it did put smiles on her face. She's been missing Robin and asking about him at home and daycare. This morning we had a video call with him and he was on again later in the evening to wish her a good night - after she was supposed to be in bed, but wasn't.
Have I mentioned that she opens doors - house, car, etc.? Buckles herself into her seat. And goes to the bathroom and climbs up to wash her hands all by herself? Oh yes, Ms. Independent does it all.

She speaks frequently of fun times with her friends and asks to see them "next week". Today she wanted to go to the park with Simon. Next week she wants to go to Douglas' house again. She always talks of Kiki and the other kids at daycare. And she has this idea that "my cousin DoDo is coming soon".

Oh, and she is apparently far superior in speech than I was. At Abi's age I couldn't say Veronica, so I named her Nicky. Abi used to call her Ra, but this week started calling her Veronica. After telling me DoDo is coming, she'll speak of Aunty Veronica and Uncle Scott. I remind her that he's not visiting, but we'll visit them next month. "And Nana and PaPa and Papa" she says, before she starts into her list of family, which includes George, Fenwick, Darla, Mommy and Daddy. Sadly, Aunty CoCo has dropped from the regular repertoire, but have no fear Corey, I remind her "and Aunty Corey and Uncle Ed." "Yea!" she says. Oh, and then there's Gam-Gam and Em-y who she wants to visit every weekend.

With so many aunties - my friends, our sisters, our aunts - she sometimes gets confused and says things like Aunty DoDo as if aunty is related to family. But I've explained how these terms work and she seems to remember the differences. "Aunty DoDo, no, my cousin DoDo" she says.

And who needs books and pictures in books when Abi can recite all her favourites without help? Just open any book and magically it becomes the "Poop Story" or the "Bike story" or the "Piggy story". Usually the poop story.

In the end, she fell asleep.

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