Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I did a little bit of revamping on the blog.
Not that I expect many people read it or care.
I think most of my friends get it through the FB feed.
And my mom and other family need to be reminded to check when I've posted a video, etc.
Nevertheless, if I'm going to use this blog it may as well reflect me.
(Hence it is orange)
So I've changed the title again. It's no longer "Abi's World (as told by her mama)" because increasingly Abi's world is not just what her mama can tell about. It hasn't been for quite some time, but I'm willing to admit it now.
The reality is this is MY blog.
To that end, I've added a progress bar for my Ravelry projects.
I will also figure out how to add one for my dissertation. I'd say I'm at about 10% right now. Not too shabby.

My hope is that by focusing on my accomplishments I will accomplish more.
That's the intention. I may bore you upon occasion with stuff about my dissertation. I've been slowly composing a "what exactly DO you study Mandy?" post for over a year now and have never gotten around to sharing it. You know, in case you are curious/care.

Things I accomplished today:
revamped blog (quick)
ate half the banana bread (not really/quite)
let Abi sleep in, got her ready for daycare, etc
some writing progress (never as much as I would like; not including blog)
Clicked and voted at the HungerSite and AnimalRescueSite (very important!)

While I'm at it, since I've just revamped, here are some other recent (not today) accomplishments:

My socks (emphasis on mine, not mom's)

Okay, mom, you can have these ones (yes, I suck at keeping surprises. These are too lovely not to share.) I was going to make them for myself, but decided mom would like them even more:

For Veronica,
...yet another butterfly

My Dragon Scales shawlette (and my own pattern too!)
I finished this quite some time ago now, but it's my pride and joy.

This next project, OTOH, was fun...
The Muppet cardi
Robin upon seeing me knitting the sweater ~
R: Who is that for?
M: Me.
R: [raised eyebrows] It doesn’t seem like a ‘you’ sweater.
[Actually means: I hope you don’t plan to be seen in public with me wearing that sweater.]
M: Of course it is! It’s totally ‘me’! It’s orange and like a muppet!
[Actually means: mwhahahaha Oh, you’ll be seen with me all right!]

You might think I've been knitting a lot. Not so. I'm really quick. Honest. And that sweater is in super bulky yarn on 10mm needles (that's huge for me). There is also much opportunity to knit when Abi insists that I sit with her while she falls asleep.


Anonymous said...

poor robin... poor poor robin

also, awesome socks

Jen said...

Love the new features! I check everyday... on the blog. ;)

Robin said...

So.. when you say 10% done your dissertation.... and you've been at UW for 5+years now.. does that mean it'll be about 45 years until you complete your dissertation..... :(

Mandyz said...

I mean 10% written/completed by my standards. That doesn't include the pages and pages of written outline, or books full of notes. Nor does it include the years of fieldwork.
Just the written part.
I'll be sure to clarify next time!

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