Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Monday, June 14, 2010

5 more days

Only 5 more days now until daddy returns.
Abi will be so happy to see him! Me too!! She's been quite clingy and not herself in his absence.
We visited Gran ("Gam Gam") and "Emy" as well as Aunty Karen this weekend. Abi was initially looking forward to the carousel at Port Dalhousie in St. Catharines, but when she got there she preferred the swings at the park. I tried convincing her to ride first by going on alone while she sat with Gran, delighted to just sit on the bench and watch the carousel go around. After some more swinging I tried again - this time I had her convinced for about 2 minutes to try the ride, but when we got on the carousel I had to struggle briefly to get her to even sit with me on the bench/sled on it. She said she'd rather watch with Gam-Gam. However, with some knee bouncing and gentle requests for her to sit with me, she decided it was fun. Next time on I asked several times if she wanted to move from the bench to a horse or camel or giraffe or lion... no luck. A third time found us still on the bench at her request. Oh well. Maybe next time.

Sunday we headed home at nap time - hoping to ensure a nap! It worked. (Unlike our drive out Friday night, which she did not sleep during. *grumble*) We arrived at our friend's house in town just in time for their late lunch at almost 3, although we'd only intended to go for dinner and playtime. Abi was delighted to play with the kids all evening. She had been asking to play with D at his house all week and was very disappointed that we hadn't yet.

I've gotten used to her poor sleep schedule while Robin's away. I've conceded it's not worthwhile even attempting to put her to bed before 9:30. No matter what time I start (7 or later), she doesn't go to bed until it's dark out around 10pm and she doesn't sleep in. On the upside, she's not peeing in her diaper when she sleeps.

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