Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

She Crawled!

Abigail and I attended a workshop on university lecturing today. She was not the most attentive listener, although the workshop leader was quite engaging. Quite coincidentally I found us sitting next to our former neighbour, Megan, from CLV. When Robin and I first moved to Waterloo we were pleased to have a neighbour who was also from Winnipeg. I haven't seen her since we moved out of CLV over 3 years ago. She recognized me too. As we were talking after the workshop Abigail was playing on the (clean-looking) floor. She'd had enough of being carried! She'd been playing under a table, so to entice her out for easier picking-up Megan put some blue paper on the floor. She crawled straight to it. At first I started to comment how funny it is that she will (tummy) crawl to paper and animals and toys, but not to mommy or daddy. Then I stopped and said "holy 'poop'!" She was actually crawling. I had almost taken it for granted, thinking what I was watching was her usual tummy crawl. No, this was on all fours! A real crawl!!! It was forward motion, coordinated movements of hands and knees.
Now, to catch it on camera to share.

Abigail crawls:

Abigail prepares to crawl:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO!! Go Abigail!!!

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