Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Painting Finished

The walls are painted. Robin did an excellent job, as usual. It's difficult painting our rooms because of the horrid stucco ceilings (who ever thought that was a good idea?? Apparently some people do. I don't. Very difficult to paint near the ceiling.) It doesn't help that previous owners got paint on the ceiling when they painted. So now we have to try and cover that when we paint since it no longer matches the new paint.

This is our most neutral colour. Okay, our only neutral colour in the house. See ugly carpet.

We ended up buying too much paint - a whole extra can. But Robin plans to use it to repaint my office when we move. Apparently he doesn't think that orange will sell...

Personally, I think the orange room is better than the dark purple (chipped) spare/Abigail room and the dark maroon bathroom. Both of which were painted those colours when we bought the house.

Robin is picking up our new wood laminate flooring tonight after work. It has to acclimatize in our house for a few days before installing. By next Monday we'll have a new living room and room for Abigail to play!!!!

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