Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

glue on you

what was i thinking when i decided to put together the birth announcement cards by hand? and why did i decide they would look better with ribbon added? because after i put all 100 or so of these together i still have to personalize them for recipients and label envelopes, which is work enough.

silly silly mandy

that being said, however, yes, you can expect to finally receive something in the near future. (and you had better appreciate it! or else. something.)

ericka arrives tomorrow - on my birthday! what a great birthday gift PLUS she's bringing a present. :D

abigail's community welcoming ceremony is quickly approaching. i'm almost done writing the ritual... and then i suppose i should prepare some food for saturday.

i'm not going to think about how much work i have yet to do... no, i'm just going to go back to folding, hole-punching, ribboning, gluing, and personalizing announcements.

(i've added a trekkie photo for your enjoyment, because, really, what's a post without a picture of abigail??)

1 comment:

Tassit said...

I totally agree! What is a post without a picture of Abigail!

Now I can keep up with your blog too! We can have a blog circle going on!

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