Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Relatively Old

Facebook has me thinking about how old I am - how old we are.
Finding friends from highschool, junior high and even elementary school has me thinking how it seems only yesterday we walked those halls together.
I look at photos, and people look the same as they did all those years ago and it is easy to forget that it has been over a decade since I last saw some of them. I don't have the greatest memory, but I do have a kinesthetic memory - I remember being there and little things. So it feels like yesterday.
Now, I don't think I'm "old"... but when I consider my age in relation to those years - I'm ... old.
And back in those days I never would have imagined I would be "here" in my life. I Don't mean KW. I mean everything. A graduate student of religious studies? Never would have crossed my mind. (No one ever asks you if you'd like to be a Doctor of Religious Studies. Actually... still nobody asks me that!)
Back in the day I was certain I would have a ranch full of horses! Now I think - why would I want to have to look after horses? I just need a friend with horses!
I'm not doing any of the things I thought I would. I don't regret that (well, maybe a few regrets, like not travelling). I'm really happy where I am now.
I wouldn't trade any of it - not even for a hundred horses (with someone else to look after them).

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