Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Monday, March 05, 2012

OBS update

I was quite pleased with today's OB appointment.  I already knew the ultrasound results were "good" - in the sense that there's nothing worrisome, babies growing well, active, etc.  As I expected, I'll have another U/S next week (on the 15th). Robin will join me at this one since he's likely to miss the next few and of course, if I have to get these ultrasounds, we want to see the girls. He couldn't make the last one.
More importantly, I was pleased with the results of my blood and glucose tests.  OB was impressed with my results.  I don't recall numbers and so forth, which are meaningless to me, but her comments were glowing and indicate that I'm eating well, etc. In particular, plenty of iron in my diet.  I'll give Robin his due credit as family cook.  I also attribute it to the high quality (not over-the-counter crap) pre-natals I get from my naturopath (NFH brand if you're curious).  They're a great blend of vitamins. (It takes more than just iron to sustain good iron levels, etc.)
I'm pleased, furthermore, that there's no indication of gestational diabetes.  My regular urine tests are always negative for anything with this pregnancy. I recall a few low indicators with Abi (plus the couple times I ate too much banana/potassium before tests, which really through off the levels; fortunately I figured that out and refrained from eating a banana AND a banana muffin on my way to midwife appointments in the future).

I've one more meeting with my OB here the week of my move, and then another appointment scheduled in Winnipeg mid April.

I'm also feeling relatively good this week. Last week I was feeling very "big" and more tired. I feared it was a sign of things to come. This week, so far, I'm feeling a little more spry. I even move a little easier.  I'll be interested to see what Wednesday's belly tracing arc looks like. Last week there was barely any growth noticeable - but of course the growth isn't always forwards. Sideways growth won't show up on the arc.  There's only so far outwards they can grow.
 That's the part that makes me lament about how big I am... because I can't imagine getting any bigger, and yet there are still many weeks remaining.

The babies seem to think this is quite funny... they're dancing right now.  They do that a lot.  Lately they refrain from kicking organs, so I can say that the movement remains "delightful". As you can tell, I'm actually feeling a little "glowy" today.  Most days I feel less than glowing.

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