Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Friday, March 23, 2012

Baby Shower / Farewell

Last weekend we were honoured with a baby shower / farewell party with friends.  These are a few photos - taken by friends - to illustrate how fortunate we are. As you might imagine, given that a large percentage of my local friends are knitters, there were many gorgeous handknit items.  In addition to some adorable sweaters, soakers, dress, etc, there are these two amazing blankets.  I admit I was expecting a blanket because it's become a tradition for the UpTownKnitMob (as we call ourselves) to make a unique baby blanket for each new addition, but one never knows what we will come up with.  Clearly these ladies know me well - you can tell by the themes and colour choices.  (I should add that one husband also contributes by knitting part of a piece.)

UptownKnitMob Blankets

Tree Blanket - my friends are very talented

Apple Tree Blanket
It was pointed out to me that the (natural brown) yarn used for the bottom right (from your view) corner square comes from the animals at Waterloo Park.  There is a small "zoo" there, with llamas and alpacas (and rabbits and chickens, etc).  Each year someone shears the overburdened fiber animals and has it processed.  One of my friends was able to get her hands on some of that yarn.  Lucky me!

"I was planned" ; "I was a surprise"
It's so true!  That 10 week ultrasound sure was a surprise.  Everyone around here remembers me telling them where to go before that week when they would tease me about possible twins... and then the tweet/FB update where I once again told them all "screw you all!"go and wouldn't add anything more until I'd finished making my calls. But they knew, they just knew.

There's another twin pair of onesies my friend made - that both say "Identical (but not the same)".  I love it.

Abi waits patiently with her friends outside.

Special thanks to my dear friend Heather* for hosting this event. And, of course, to all who attended to celebrate with us.
Not shown is the delicious potluck. And the coolest blue punch ever - a duck pond of tastiness. And all the other fantastic gifts, such as 2 dozen Sandy's Bamboo diapers, and a Lug diaper bag, and adorable clothes, and wooden rattles, and amber bracelets, and... it's all been boxed up.

Thanks again to all our friends who have been such a wonderful support over the past few weeks (there's more help needed in the coming "last days")
damn I'm getting a little wet in the eyes.
I'm going to miss you all so much. As much as I love those blankets, they are going to make me cry, a lot.

*Granted, she's kind of responsible for this whole mess... :-p

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