Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Old and New

Abi is 4 years old today. Where do the years go? She was disappointed to learn the part (with cake, friends, etc) is not today - despite having been warned of this for weeks.  In her mind birthday = party. And cake. We've got a party planned on Sunday instead at Steckle Heritage Farm with her friends. And cake.

This morning found me digging through old cards and letters as part of moving preparations.  I've decided it's time to get rid of those shoe-boxes full of cards and letters. I had quite a few pen pals from moving as a kid. Plus I kept a few of my school notes and such. That's one box. The other boxes are, literally, every birthday and holiday and valentine and graduation and wedding and farewell... well you get the idea. A lot of cards.  There's a few other items like old awards, etc.

It's a strange juxtaposition to be celebrating my 4 year-old's birthday (so young, and a whole new chapter of my life - as mommy) and looking back at my younger years and relationships.  It's time to declutter... I really don't need those old letters and cards any more.  Another project, for another day, will be to go through the album upon album upon albums of photos (I was diligent in placing my pictures in albums) and slim my collection down to 'memories' in a few books.  I really don't need every party picture, every concert pic, every zoo and animal picture, every flower arrangement...

This is why I like digital pictures and scrapbooks now.  I can take the bazillion pics, and just preserve a few in a book. My scrapbooks are more pictures than fancy-add-ins, but they tell a story of our life. Well, mostly of Abi's life right now.  But there is the scrapbook of our wedding stuff, the one I made of Robin's mom's life, my trip to Germany, etc.  One day I'll probably make an "anniversary" book for Robin and I.  Abi's books already include a lot of family pictures because I want her to be able to remember family and friends when we are not close to see them.

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