Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

children and social capital

I've read the sociological lit. on children as social capital, but it's pretty boring to read. Not nearly as interesting as experiencing it. I was thinking on it today after passing someone that Abi sees daily. This person always waves at me. But I don't know this person, not really. Basically, I would be "Abi's mom" to this person, but that's not insignificant socially speaking. This person knows I'm a grad student (we've talked once at the park) and what I study. Maybe one day this person, or another of Abi's acquaintances, will think to introduce me to someone who can get me a job! (Ah, wouldn't that be nice.) Not that I'm relying on something like that, but the point is, Abi is the link and her ability to create and foster relationships with other people in society means that, sociologically speaking, she is a form of social capital. She's a rather rich source actually. As you know by now, she's pretty darn cute. I couldn't deny it if I wanted to, it's a matter of fact. She's also very smiley and incredibly social. She lures strangers in with a smile and hooks them with a simple exchange of words (it helps now that she is also intelligent and talkative).
Who knows what random people she will facilitate introductions with over the next few years... it should be interesting.
I don't mind being Abi's mom. Not at all.
Being a parent is always interesting.
At the very minimum, Abi supports me by encouraging me to "do my dreams".

As a reward for having to read the above, you can watch a few silly clips of Abi talking (which you may have already seen yesterday)

[video of Abi]

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